We are officially organic! We have always been - in spirit and in principle – but today we were formally recognised by the Soil Association as coffee roasters meeting organic standards. Our great thanks go to the Soil Association for their very professional approach. We are excited and we are very much looking forward to advancing the organic cause in the world of speciality coffee.
It is official: we are live. Nearly 12 months into the project, having done loads of work, having sniffed, slurped, tried and retried loads of coffees, we are finally delighted to present our own very special, very delicious line-up of organic coffees. Come and meet us at www.beanberrycoffee.com.
Multiple thanks go to everyone involved in this project to date, and especially to John Thompson of Coffee Nexus and Malcolm Quarleri of Coffee Technical Solutions, whose invaluable contributions, insights and expertise helped us get to this point of our journey – thank you all!